My little, almost antique talisman and Hangar 7

hangar3In case you’ve been wondering what has been going on… loads of work. I’ve been quite busy working in Gmunden and the Hangar 7 the last couple of days. Polishing glasses and cutlery, treating people with awesome food… Sadly there is no time during work to take pictures of the food but they have nicer ones online anyways so check out the current menu and wish you had it…

Everything just looks delish, everything is polished, first class, you have complimentary wine if you choose so, antialcoholic life drinks if you choose so (they look awesome…) everything is just beautiful. I wish I could dine there one day just to taste the food. And if I was a chef I wish I could be a guest chef there one day… that would probably be one of the highlights of my non existant career as a chef, that I am not.

hangar1 hangar2

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